Give: We are still “joined in Heart, and hope to meet again.” Being the Church depends on your generosity and love. Many of you have been giving by making masks, and donating time and items to our Eastern Plains Community Pantry. As Rush UMC closed in April, many items were donated to Calhan UMC. THANK YOU and THANK GOD for all the ways you continue to give, to live out your faith, and to support the ministries of your church! Many already give financially, via a monthly automatic bank draft. Some give via weekly or monthly plate offerings. If you are among the latter, please consider signing up for the automatic bank draft using the attached form in this newsletter. If not, you may drop off or mail your checks to the Farmers State Bank, 1500 8th Street, Calhan, Co. 80808; attn: Patty Woodard. Patty is a member of the Calhan Church’s Finance committee and works at the bank.
Finally - Stay Tuned: The church's governing body continues to explore and learn and adopt new ways to meet online. We currently are meeting every other week on Zoom, to pray for one another and make decisions effecting the future of our church. We will email, phone call, text, and Facebook you information as the situation develops, day to day. PLEASE REACH OUT to me, if you have a need for pastoral care. I am, as always, working hard to respond to these new challenges in new and effective ways, to help us be the church together. I am willing to visit, masked and at a safe distance from your literal front porch, and help you with learning how to get connected online to each other, and to our current worship options. Even if you don’t have a computer, you can still join us on Zoom!
God is still great. I fully believe that God will give us the grace we need to do His will, as we seek to love God, and each other, with all our hearts.
I invite the reader to ponder with me all the ways this can be done!
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